Not enough time, not enough time. My ambitious plan of printing 16 monoprints fell away under the pressure of work and a house full of sick folks; here are the two I did manage to complete.

The rest…well, I pulled prints from linos that have either never seen distribution or a decent print job.

Now they dry, then I scribe some info on the back and off to the dropoff I go.

One idea I wanted to explore was inscribing the text onto plates which would be mounted on the paper where I’d placed the illustrations. This is the thumbnail test plate, before baking, with a club I fashioned from the polymer clay scraps.

plate and club before

The plate after baking and staining. This is a good idea, but I’m not sure polymer clay is the correct media. I’m going to try out terra cotta next; I have higher hopes for that.

plate after unmounted

Mounted.The inked lino plate underneath the clay plate is something I cut to print backgrounds: I really like the effect here and am thinking how to incorporate it into the final work. Also, illustrations of the story will surround the center text in the final work.

plate after mounted

Detail of above plates

plate after mounted detail

The club, stained. I like it!

club after

And a small part of the bigger picture: the desk in its usual state.


My summer project for 2009 is to hand-scribe 24 Aesop’s Fables. I am using English text written in Greek characters (the transliteration table to be posted in good time), completed by September 3rd. The illustrations will be rendered in linocut and wood engravings. Below are the first two fables, The Fox and The Grapes and The Lion and The Fox.


Detail: freehand scribing, graphite

The Fox and The Grapes, 13" x 4.5"

The Fox and The Grapes, 13" x 4.5"

Detail: fox 2 x 3

Detail: fox 2 x 3

The Lion and The Fox 9.5" x 13"

The Lion and The Fox 9.5" x 13"

Detail: freehand scribing

Detail: freehand scribing